Friday, August 21, 2009

Blog vs Gym

Blog 1, Gym 0.

Yes, I was thinking, "I have time to go to the gym tonight!" as I sat down to check my email real quick before going. Yet there was something about a bed, lying down, and being on the computer that just made me rethink my desire to hit the gym. Or maybe it was just because I felt bad for my readers/fans ;) and felt like updating the blog for once.

The gym can wait. It always has. Kinda like me and a girlfriend.

So, what do you guys want to know about the past month+ that has gone by without an update from the dust bowl?

I made some new friends, female and male. Awesome.
I will be going to the runway to take a tour of the aircraft and get some pics and all, should be good times! (Ok, yes, I know I've been saying this for about a month now, but something always happens - someone said I'm just not meant to go there and have my picture taken around cool stuff)
I will be taking vacation sometime soon, hopefully. Where to is still being decided, but I'm pretty sure that this first vacation will be back home. Next will be Europe.
Other than the 80-100 hour weeks I've been putting in, there are some hopeful things to come. Granted those hopeful things are work related and I need to free up some time in order to do those things...and that would put me back up to the 80-100 hour/week range.
I really don't mind doing most of the work (as long as I'm successful and not wasting time or doing things wrong/sloppy as that's a pet peeve of mine). I enjoy climbing trailers/walls, but my hands get tore up when I do that (and dirty). Soft skin vs rough terrain doesn't bode or end well with my soft skin. Rips my hands up so quick.

I'm trying to go swimming twice a week and would like to incorporate the gym somewhere in there, at least twice a week. The swimming pool has a scale like you would find at the doctor's office - with the slider, not digital. I think it isn't calibrated correctly, because last week I was about 76 kilos (167 lbs) and this week I was 82 kilos (180 lbs). Now I know my stomach has gotten larger since I got here in April (not the rest of me), but I did NOT gain 13 lbs in 1 week. I was eating lighter meals too! I'm going to go ahead and blame liquid retention again. I need to go sweat it out or something.
Now I understand why girls hate scales so much.
Actually, my reason is quite different. I won't go any further with that or I might get in trouble. ;)

Our lead field tech, Habib, is leaving sometime in the next few days to go home and get married. He'll be gone somewhere between 1.5-3 months. Depends how long his marriage lasts. Oh that was meannnnn. Sorry Habib, even though you'll never read this, I just don't think trying to eat arms or break necks is attractive to women. :P
Habib is a good guy as long as you're on his good side. I've been on the other side for a bit now, but I've been trying to get back on his good side. It's kind of hard to explain the whole situation and it has a lot to do with his beliefs, lifestyle, work ethic, determination, and though process.
He thinks I don't do much work because I'm multitasking working the field, service calls, customer service, and backend stuff. He only pays attention to the field work.
It's all good though. I've been learning to deal with some of the craziness he puts me thru.

Work is going ok, minus the tools and equipment that always seems to disappear from our truck and the Egyptians deny taking things (but somehow end up with some of the things I find in their truck). I taught some of them the word "Cleptomaniac".

Speaking of those kids, I'm gonna get some video of them working or saying things. I'll put em up on Facebook or Youtube or something sometime. Maybe even here.

Ok, this post is long. To summarize the rest:
Mongolian night is the best dinner night by far.
I got sick one day and didn't go to the doctor as people said I should have. It was my day off when I was sick, but I took the next day off as well to sleep in and rest/recover.
I am kind of worried what will happen to the customer service side of things when I go on vacation, since many people just email me directly. I shudder to think of what might happen when an American with 10 years of customer service experience turns it over to nationals with barely any CS experience.

Lastly, I miss skating. I miss hockey. Oh, and I miss family and friends!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Will Survive

"It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive." -*-Princess Bride quote-*-

I am around, I am alive. I haven't taken a day off (partially my choice so I wouldn't have to deal with as many complaints later on) in over 3 weeks. The last 3-5 days (I don't know how many have gone by like this), I've worked ~16 hours each day.
I'm tired. -_-

I was going to twist the "I Will Survive" song (if that's even the title), but I don't have time...running out now. More to come. Hopefully soon, because that means my brain is untangling and isn't like a spiderweb with broken webbing.