Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Little Excitement (Hopefully) Never Hurts.

FYI, the title means "(Hopefully) Never Hurts", not "A Little Excitement (Hopefully)".

After an exhilarating 3 days of thick dust-fog, it started to clear up only to find a C113 (I think) had crash landed on the runway right near our NOC (office). It wasn't a terrible crash, landing gear probably malfunctioned or something. It did catch fire though.

The next evening, I was dropping a coworker off for dinner and an MP (military police) flew past us with his lights going. Dropped Imran off and the MP had stopped only about 40-50 feet away from us searching the ground with flashlights.
Turns out, as Imran told me later, a mortar had landed in that area and they had closed the DFAC (chow hall) early because of it. It had landed maybe 10-15 minutes prior to us arriving.
I hope no one got hurt. I never heard whether or not there were injuries and don't think there were. Was I scared? Naw. Kinda would like to see a mortar land somewhere. Would be a cool experience, though I'd hate to be a target of any shrapnel.

Two weeks of bad dust storms on the weekend means I've had to miss going swimming on my day off two weeks in a row. The week before that, the Egyptians were working all day, so we didn't go. I'm getting lazy. Sleepy. Zzzzzz.

I'm trying to eat lighter or less often or both until I start doing something active again. This whole no activity and lots of eating thing doesn't bode well.
I have to be careful climbing (as much as I'd like to see how fast I can scale a wall and get on a roof) because of the bursitis in my shoulder. It doesn't bother me, but if I tweak my arm like I did last week, it not only doesn't feel good, but it doesn't sound good either. :)

Wow, I think this post just made me look like I was becoming fat, lazy and falling apart. Thanks brain.

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