Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 1 - Flight to Paris

I arrived at the Philly airport approximately 2.5 hours before my departure time. I had enough time to watch about 1/5 to 1/4 of a movie before we started getting ready to board the plane.

Take-off was smooth, and eventually, I played around with the TV options to see what was available. Movies, music, games. I thought, "Cool, maybe I won't need to use my laptop. Uhhh," as I looked around and noticed that there was no where to plug in the airplane power adapter I had for my laptop, "Guess I won't be using my laptop anyway."
-- My laptop only lasts about 1 hr while watching a movie or playing a full screen video game.

Unfortunately, while everyone else was watching movies, I, a techie person, could not figure out why mine wouldn't start. I selected the film and hit enter, but the screen went black and gave me options for "Volume", "Brightness", and "Language", of which only the volume did anything. After about 30 seconds (a time-out length), the system restarted and returned to the main menu - in French. It also mentioned, "Sorry, but some of the features of this system are temporarily not functional." From what I could tell, I was the only one who couldn't view movies. Everything else worked though.

I figured, "Oh well, this gives me an excuse to go to sleep for the whole flight." But, even though I can sleep pretty much anywhere, I cannot fall asleep in an upright chair with no leg room to slouch or turn to the side - and I did not want to fall asleep on the shoulder of the kid next to me or fall into the aisle. I slept for a max of 1 hr for the 7.5 hr flight.

Now, don't think that this is whiny complaining. It's not. I could have pulled out my laptop and fiddled with that for a short time till the battery died, or even gotten a book out to read. I was not terribly bored or frustrated.

The food was airplane food, so not much to say there.

I arrived in Paris around 8:30AM locale time.

1 comment:

  1. 1/5 to 1/4

    Interesting... These mundane details are ENTHRALLING! I'm just playing. That just really tickled my funny bone.
