Friday, May 15, 2009

The Boring Title to a Somewhat Boring Post

I couldn't decide what to title this post, so notch that one off the list of choices.

Thursday (5/7), myself and Youseph drove to one of the housing areas (H6) for some scheduled service calls for some soldiers. Only this time, we were held up at the gate because I still don't have a CAC card and they didn't think an LOA & passport was good enough to allow me into the housing area. In fact, one soldier couldn't believe they let me on base without a CAC.

To keep the story short and somewhat interesting, we waited over 30min till they decided to take us to the badging office for a solution. The officer there explained to them that my LOA & passport was good enough till I get my badge, which they asked me to stay there and wait to see if it was possible to get it then. We waited there 1 hour before I realized it was going to take at least another 1.5 hours and we were already 1 hour late for service call appointments.
By the time we got into the housing area, the tenants had left their rooms. They weren't happy for a good reason.
The next day, Friday, was a long day compared to the norm. Worked 12.5 hours. Wasn't too bad though.
Saturday, we returned to H6 for a project to redesign the layout for a couple of housing pods. The project took longer than expected and had to play catch up to finish a 16 hour workday. :)
Skip to Tuesday. Buffalo wings are so good, but my body can't handle them 3 meals in a row (not counting breakfast, of course!). I didn't feel so well from them and slept till noon, then walked to work at 2:30 - a 15minute walk in the sun. It wasn't bad until the last minute of the walk, when I started sweating a bit. Thank God for the breeze.

On the positive side, Guitar Hero has been fun!! :)
Parts of the job are fun, and it will be more fun when I learn how to take care of the difficult things and understand the network better.

I know it's Friday now, but there isn't much to tell about the last few days except that Mexican food night did a number on a few of us. I wasn't thinking very straight as I walked down the food line. If it looked good, I had them serve some on my plate. For those of you who know how much I ate per meal the last few years, it wouldn't surprise you to see my plate. Granted I didn't finish it all, but I felt quite full even around lunch time the next day. (today)

Alrighty! Boring post finished. Maybe someday I'll have time to write something more interesting. Until then...


  1. Nothing like the good old days of splitting 100 hot wings... *sigh* The memories.... :)

  2. That is something I'll never forget and will never do again. But they were so good...for a while.
