Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wrinkle Fingers

All week I had been looking forward to Sunday (usually do, expecting that it will be a day off), planning on actually waking up early enough to get to church. But before the day rolled around, ended up having to make a service call around church time, unfortunately. Next week I'll make it though.

After lunch though, the Egyptian crew and I went to the outdoor swimming pool. I delayed our leaving slightly so it would be 1430 (2:30pm) when we got there. Not a fan of the midday sun on my chalk white skin and don't trust sunblock to protect me.
It was my first time swimming that I can remember in the last 6-8 years or so. Ever since I get foot cramps while swimming, I've rarely gone. I love swimming though. Still remember how to do it too. ;)
While we were just treading water and talking, I remembered being able to hold my breath for a long time under water when I was younger. I guessed maybe 45 seconds or more back then. I was curious to see what I could do now. Let's just say I am quite out of shape for holding my breath under water. First time, 5-8 seconds would be accurate. I improved, but was pretty disappointed.

I had a blast though. We swam for about 3 hours. Wrinkled my fingers. Dove off the lowest diving board twice (about 2 meters above the water?) and the 2nd tier diving board once (4-5 meters high?) and messed up on my angle and ended going straight in instead of slightly angled and my legs flipped back behind me and tweaked my lower back a little bit. I stopped diving after that to avoid serious injury. Good stuff. Shoulders were sore for a day, too. I think I'm starting to tan...not sure though. And I didn't get sunburned!

In other news, the Firestation crew invited us to a BBQ they were having last night, but we all forgot about it and missed it. They are some nice guys. Bummer that we missed it.

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